NOTE: More reviews (and writers) have been added!
NOTE 2: Even more reviews have been added!
NOTE 3: Even more reviews have been added!
If we have to guess, the long face that you’re wearing right now is because Fantastic Fest has ended. And if you’ll allow us to play doctor, then may we prescribe you with the cure: All the works of the Houston Film Critics Society members who were there!
For the latest iteration, the 15th in existence and was held from Sept. 19 to 26, FF programmers spotlighted Mexico and welcomed films such as 4X4, Jallikkattu, Color Out of Space, Synchronic, Wyrm, Jojo Rabbit, Knives Out, First Love, Parasite plus a whole lot more of the (trademarked) “eyeball-exploding, brain-wrecking, expectation-shattering” variety.
Check out our writers’ offerings below (and they have more on the way, so pinky-swear you’ll check back in!). And look for them in the Authors section to see how you can follow them!
James Cole Clay VII (FreshFiction.TV)
Reviews of…
THE POOL — “It’s crazy, hilarious, and a movie that I feel truly fortunate to have seen with a crowd.”
THE DEATH OF DICK LONG — “Scheinert’s film rises far above its premise into becoming a daring and unforgettable experience. ”
SEA FEVER — “Hardiman’s direction creates a claustrophobic atmosphere that gets under your skin. The issue lies in Hardiman’s scripting.”
IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON — “Although not everything sticks the landing, it’s a whirlwind of a film that couldn’t take some of the mind-blowing chances it takes without the powerful streamer’s generous budget.”
WYRM — “Winterbauer’s script is committed to making the audience laugh in uncomfortable moments and find wisdom as the characters grow.”
THE WAVE — “While watching you can’t help but wonder if the film is going to wear out its welcome, but it never does and the ending sticks the landing.”
Jason Escamilla (EskimoTV)
Reviews of…
IN THE TALL GRASS — “In the Tall Grass doesn’t end as tall as it begins.”
THE DEATH OF DICK LONG — “Who wouldn’t have a good time with Dick Long? You’ll be in suspense. You’ll laugh. You’ll be shocked. Admirable script, intense climax, and pleasing conclusion.”
THE LODGE — “Effective slow burn featuring eerie scenes that all build up to a giant unexpected surprise towards the end, which will spark interesting conversations after.”
DOLEMITE IS MY NAME — “The biggest strength of Dolemite Is My Name is seeing the strong resilient character never give up.” (video review included)
And his Fantastic Fest chronicles here, which features a lot of “didn’t die” moments. We’re glad!
Chris Sawin (HubPages)
Chris reviewed all that he watched at Fantastic Fest via his Twitter handle, @evilbutters. Check these out:
Light is the source of madness in #TheLighthouse Lunacy is in plain sight and nothing hides in darkness. That unwavering gaze of #WillemDafoe is haunting & this is the best #RobertPattinson has ever been. A slow, drunken descent into hysteria. #FantasticFest @A24 @fantasticfest
— Chris Sawin (@evilbutters) September 24, 2019
#Wyrm is so damn good. Funny, relatable, heartbreaking…basically my love life and puberty in a 90 minute chunk. Easy #FantasticFest favorite so far. #FantasticFest2019 @fantasticfest
— Chris Sawin (@evilbutters) September 21, 2019
But if you want deeper dives from him, here are Chris’ reviews of…
JOJO RABBIT — “Jojo Rabbit is one of the most heartfelt and imaginative fairy tales of the year.”
FIRST LOVE — “First Love is the funniest and most entertaining Takashi Miike has ever been.”
DEERSKIN — “Deerskin is a delightfully eccentric comedy intertwined with a grisly and outlandish inner seam.”
HAPPY FACE — “Happy Face has a lot to say about what the definition of beauty is and the extremes those desperate enough to attain that status might go through.”
WYRM — “If you have ever had trouble making friends, feel socially awkward in the slightest, or have a terrible love life, then Wyrm is going to be something that speaks to you, laughs with you, cries with you, and celebrates your triumphs with you.”
Craig D. Lindsey (Nashville Scene)
For the publication, he followed Fantastic Fest from afar (thanks, Imelda…). Find out which films Craig thinks are good, bad and genuinely WTF.
Alan Cerny (Vital Thrills)
Reviews of…
PARASITE — “Every scene is given room to breathe, but while Parasite is more than two hours long, the time flies by.”
KNIVES OUT — “Once all the pieces are in play, Johnson takes great pleasure in moving them in ways that we cannot predict.”
THE LIGHTHOUSE — “The Lighthouse doesn’t come close to the power of Eggers’ previous film, and is a disappointing endeavor.”
DOLEMITE IS MY NAME — “The best Eddie Murphy performance in, perhaps, ever. It’s not simply a comedic showcase, either…”
SYNCHRONIC — “There is a real spirit to Synchronic that gives the film an emotional kick that many filmmakers might otherwise ignore in favor of the science.”
MEMORY: THE ORIGINS OF ALIEN — ” For Alien fans, this is a must see, and can be placed right on the shelf next to J.W. Rinzler’s book and de Lauzirika’s documentary.”
COLOR OUT OF SPACE — “But is Color Out of Space scary? Oh my Cthulhu, yes.”
JOJO RABBIT — “Taika Waititi’s ‘anti-hate’ film, as the ads call it, wears its emotions on its sleeve and has no reservations about pulling at your heart strings.”
Travis Leamons (FreshFiction.TV and Inside Pulse)
Reviews of…
SWALLOW — “It is raw and visceral and worthy of conversation.”
SYNCHRONIC — “It progresses like a lucid dream until water splashes on your face and the drugs wear off. Even then, you’ll want another hit.”
FIRST LOVE — “If you have never experienced a Miike movie, this one is a fun way to start. Just enough to make you tipsy before you decide to chase down Sake with a can of Red Bull.”
THE TRUE ADVENTURES OF WOLFBOY — “THE TRUE ADVENTURES OF WOLFBOY feels like it was plucked from my ‘80s childhood and remodeled with contemporary aesthetics.”
SCREAM, QUEEN! MY NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET — “This is a great profile of a man looking for catharsis and finding himself as an LGBTQ cult icon. FREDDY’S REVENGE may have been Mark Patton’s personal dream killer, but SCREAM, QUEEN! allows him to sleep peacefully.”
WYRM — “This is an honest look at grief and growing up in a world where getting an internet connection is easier than a human connection. So, like, now.”
FRACTURED — “Brad Anderson dutifully plays up the film’s mysterious, confusing nature by emphasizing Ray’s thought process. This is a well-worn labyrinth, and Anderson gives us tricks and clues in hopes that the pay off is worth the journey.”
Adam Sanders (Nerdlocker)
Under the groovy moniker Salty Winters, here is Adam’s glorious take on Fantastic Fest! Check out his observations before the festivities and afterward (there is a film ranking here, too!)
Michael Bergeron (Byline Houston)
For the publication, Michael looked at the Fest’s artful turning back of the clock — organizers asked badge-holders to submit a picture of them at 15 — as well as some of the films — In the Shadow of the Moon, Butt Boy and more.