In response to the looming shutdown of Houston’s historic River Oaks Theatre by Weingarten Realty, the Houston Film Critics Society (HFCS) has introduced their “Operation: Save Houston Cinema” initiative to rally public support for this remarkable landmark, as well as the preservation of theatre-going experience.
“The River Oaks Theatre is not just a beautiful example of classic cinema architecture,” observes HFCS President Doug Harris. “It’s a retreat, a temple, a sanctuary of sorts. And it’s one of the few remaining showcases for independent and international films.”
Society members—who approved this action in a recent meeting—are encouraging those who are interested in demonstrating the economic impact and continued interest of the theatre-going public to consider purchasing tickets to the River Oaks Theatre online or in person. The HFCS emphasizes its respect and concern for the health and safety of Houstonians and reminds those who wish to patronize the theatre, but who do not wish to attend screenings at this time, that gift cards may be given as gifts for use at a future date or at another Landmark theatre.
Harris notes that this Saturday night’s showing of “The Father,” with Anthony Hopkins in the lead role, presents an ideal opportunity for those who are comfortable returning to theatre auditoriums. A representative of Landmark Theatres has informed the HFCS that the theatre will continue to enforce COVID-19 mask and social distancing protocols and that the downstairs auditorium will be staged at half-capacity.
“If this is just about money, then let the money talk,” offers Harris. “This theatre means more to a lot of Houstonians than any park, shrine, or statue — and nobody demands increasing ROI from trees. In a city this big, with the resources we have, we cannot and should not lose another classic theatre.”
Tickets and showtimes are available here.
Gift cards, redeemable at Landmark Theatres across the country, may be purchased here.
Landmark Theatres is currently offering a virtual screening opportunity with “Minari”, which is another way to support this effort without going to the theater. To ensure revenues for Landmark, those tickets may be purchased here.
Here is the trailer for The Father:
About The Houston Film Critics Society
The thirty-nine members of the Houston Film Critics Society are working film journalists on television, radio, online and in traditional print. Together, they reach millions of people each week across the United States with their critiques and commentaries on film. The organization’s mission is to promote the advancement and appreciation of film in the Houston community and beyond. For a list of members, visit HoustonFilmCritics.com.
Doug Harris, President
Houston Film Critics Society
(713) 569-7716