Online postings range from Doris Day to the work of Guillermo del Toro
The Houston Film Critics Society “took to the skies” to promote its recent addition of in -home viewing suggestions on the Society’s website to help movie fans enduring lockdown. A series of banners bearing relevant movie references are being hung in a high traffic area for several days as new content is continuously added to the site.
“Our members see hundreds of movies annually, and they’ve been doing so for years”, says HFCS President Doug Harris. “From Truffaut to Tarantino, from obscure gems to forgotten favorites, they can instantly recall the film world’s best and they’re thrilled to share them with movie fans”.
Harris says that the idea for this new compilation of reviews arose when a group of members were discussing the steady stream of requests they had been fielding from people in search of something new and different to watch at home.
“All year long, we try to lead people to worthy, satisfying films, “observed Harris. “But now, with more and more people hungry for in-home entertainment, there’s a sense of adventure in the air and a willingness to experiment with something different. Call it the ‘Tiger King effect’”.
Harris says this curiosity gives the HFCS a chance to introduce the wealth of great titles on broadcast, cable and streaming options to viewers who now have the time to watch them.
“A trio of ‘conspiracy-themed’ films? We’ve got it. A collection of 7 great Doris Day films? Check out our list. How about a reminder of the importance of fairy tales through the beauty of Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth? Or thoughts from a clinical psychologist and a Cinema Therapy mentor—both HFCS members—on ‘flexibility themes’ in films. It’s all there—and then some.”
The Society will continue posting the recommendations of participating members on the site for the foreseeable future.
About The Houston Film Critics Society
The 39 members of the Houston Film Critics Society are working film journalists on television, radio, online and in traditional print. Together, they reach millions of people each week across the United States with their critiques and commentaries on film. For 13 consecutive years, the Society has produced its annual “Oscars-style” awards show and recently honored legendary writer/director/producer Roger Corman with its Lifetime Achievement Award. The Houston Film Critics Society is a 501c3 organization, supported by the contributions of sponsors, donors and membership dues. Check out the HFCS members here!