You can meet each of us personally on the Members page!
Travis Leamons
Same job function as Michael Douglas in An American President but more Kevin Kline in Dave with occasional lapses into Terry Crews in Idiocracy.
Joe Friar
Vice President
Kind of like Christian Bale in Vice, and takes care of accidents better than John Wick's cleaning service. Joe coordinates new member applications, and will assist you with gathering your materials and presenting them to the membership.
Doug Harris
Doug is the keeper of the coin of the realm - contact him with questions about membership dues, expenses related to the Society, and all other matters financial.
Sean McBride
Sean is the keeper of fact & history, and point of contact for the website (how's that for days of future past?) Consult him to update your member info, request the roster for year-end voting, submit site content, or check a fact.
Mark Schumann
Mark shares our activities and events with the film and greater Houston communities through media outreach. If you have news to share or suggest, bring it to Mark.
Joshua Starnes
TIFA & Scholarship
Joshua coordinates both our Texas Independent Film Award and our Scholarship application processes. He'll be your point of contact to assist you in gathering your materials and presenting them their respective Committees.